Parkes Harness has 1 meeting this month of September, and this is the Club's annual Footy Colours Day meeting.
This Sunday, 17th of September, The club hopes to raise some money to go towards finding a cure for Kids With Cancer. There will be raffles, and the club would like to see patrons wearing their favourite "Footy Colours".
Gate opens 11am. First race is 12.45pm. and the last race is 4.10pm
Footy Colours raffle:
1st Prize: $50 meat tray 2nd Prize: carton of beer 3rd Prize: $30 dinner voucher at Parkes Leagues Club
This coming Sunday, come to the Parkes Showground for the action-packed harness racing:
R1: Footy Colours Day Pace R2: Parkes Leagues Club Pace R3: Terry Bros Parkes Carpet Court Pace R4: Dwyers fresh butchery Pace R5: Telescope Tyres & Batteries Pace R6: pace R7: For A Reason / Cobbitty Equine Farm Pace.
Clarinda Park Photography will also be there to take photos of the event. So if you want your horses to be photographed, you may arrange it with Norman.
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